You might be wondering, why such a website even exists. Now I could just tell you that it is mainly intended as a useful site for keeping up on the latest and greatest when it comes to cybersecurity and infosec, but that is only part of its purpose. There is a story that inspired Handjob Alley, and it is worth recounting. Let's just say that the story and the retelling of this story in a Slack thread on a private Slack server inspired the domain to be purchased, kind of on a whim.
Originally the domain was used as a "placeholder" of sorts for a Cloudflare tunnel, which allowed NMRC members to access NMRC resources a bit more securely. Yes this site is run by NMRC, a hacker group, and while the tunnel domain name was entertaining, this was later replaced with Wireguard which was a lot better anyway.
The idea to reuse the domain as an infosec resource with actual legit value seemed fun. Come up with something useful, and that way if a security professional was using it at work, they'd have to explain why they were visiting Handjob Alley online, but could prove that it was a legit security website.
So here we are, and for right now it simply collects links to mainly security articles and blog entries from several security websites and aggregates them. Who knows what future versions of this website will bring?
So here it is, the Slack thread that inspired it all, with identities concealed to protect the innocent, except for me. This conversation took place a few short years ago, just a few months after I became a widower. My late wife had a wicked sense of humor, and she'd find the fact that this website even exists to be hilarious.
So yes, after this conversation in early 2022, I bought the domain, and there were even some physical rewards in the form of t-shirts and stickers (thanks to a good friend) to those that participated in the Slack thread. No you cannot buy a shirt or stickers, but if you ever run into me feel free to ask - if I have some stickers on me, I can give some to you.
- Mark, Oct 2024